office brand articulations, 2014
interieur ontwerp
office brand articulations
interior design, acoustic solution by use of felt.
location: Kloveniersburgwal 47, Amsterdam!home
about brandarticulations
At Brand Articulations, we leverage strategic insight and creativity to unlock brand potential. We specialize in solving complex branding problems and building brands from the inside out. We develop global brand positionings, orchestrate integrated product launches, create visual brand personality and tone of voice guidelines to align the look and feel of brands and perform various other branding services. We exist to help solve brand problems and assist brands in connecting with consumers on deeper, more emotional levels. We take aspects of brands and dial up their effectiveness.
We call this Brand Amplification.
We help brands take what they are already doing, and do it in a more effective manner. After all, most brands have the resources they need to succeed. What they lack are the right ideas to focus those resources. Ideas grounded in the brand’s own DNA that focus the attention and energy of customers and employees alike.
More specifically, we find ways to connect brands to consumers in more meaningful and emotional ways. We dial up reasons to believe in products, help find and articulate consumer benefits, create global brand positionings designed to help brands connect on deeper, more emotional levels, create brand personality and verbal identity guidelines, and various other brand essence work. We also take brand positionings and find emotional platforms that can later be leveraged for communications platforms. These platforms can later be explored creatively by us, or by another advertising agency.
We are an independent, creative and strategic company that works with brands and advertising agencies alike to solve complex branding problems. We believe every brand, big or small, can do more with what it’s got when driven by the right ideas.