‘well done is better than well said’
spreuk benjamin franklin

‘well done is better than well said’

spreuk benjamin franklin | 2014

Ontwerp spreuk Benjamin Franklin.

Realisatie november 2014.
Lengte 35 meter
Hoogte letter 1,5 meter

Winnaar prijsvraag ‘bedenk het in de M4H’
Ontwerp damwand lettertype: 75B.

Benjamin Franklin
An extraordinary life, an elecric mind.

He was one of the most extraordinary human beings the world has
ever known. Born into the family of a Boston candle maker, Benjamin
Franklin became the most famous American of his time. He helped
found a new nation and defined the American character. Writer,
inventor, diplomat, businessman, musician, scientist, humorist,
civic leader, international celebrity . . . genius.
The life of a remarkable man.

